Batavia Biosciences
Batavia Biosciences is a midsized company active in the field of biopharmaceutical product development. The company employs about 80 people working in its laboratory infrastructure in both Europe (Leiden, NL) and USA (Woburn, MA). The company actively develops novel technologies with the aim to make biological medicines manufacturing cheaper, faster, and more robust. Batavia offers a full services package, i.e., from DNA to clinical product for all major classes of biopharmaceuticals, i.e., recombinant proteins, antibodies, vaccines and Gene Therapy vectors.
Associated Experts
Job Title: CEO
Job Title: Commercial Director
Associated Content
SIDUS® technology for viral vector manufacturing
At Batavia Biosciences, the viral vector technology is deeply imbedded in our proprietary SIDUS® technology platform. SIDUS® technology, composed of in-depth knowhow encompassing research and development as well as GMP manufacturing, offers a platform to accelerate biopharmaceutical development based on novel or existing viral vectors. Batavia Biosciences’ optimized processes, deliver phase I and phase II clinical material, and provide a scalable process that can be transferred for phase III material production and eventual commercialization. A close working relationship, open communication, trust and confidence in your contract manufacturing is key to successful outsourcing....Continued
SCOUT® Technology Reduces Time to Market and Increases Chance of Success for Biopharmaceutical Products
The SCOUT® platform represents a qualified, scaled-down high throughput system for optimizing upstream and downstream processes for all major classes of biopharmaceuticals be it proteins, antibodies, viral vaccines, or viral vectors for Gene Therapy protocols....Continued