Meissner Filtration Products
Meissner manufactures advanced microfiltration and single-use systems. Focused on fluid technology and innovation, we leverage our R&D efforts to offer our clients products that deliver advanced processing and fluid handling solutions for pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical manufacturing.
Associated Experts
Job Title: Senior Product Engineer
Job Title: Executive Director of Operations
Associated Content
CryoVault Freeze and Thaw Platform Provides a Scalable, Robust and Single-Use End-to-End Solution for Bulk Drug Substance
In this podcast, I talked with Max Blomberg, Executive Director of Operations and Andrew Govea, Senior Product Engineer, at Meissner about the challenges of handling bulk drug substance, specifically freeze and thaw and how the need for scalability, flexibility and a robust approach led to the development of CryoVault™. CryoVault™ offers a unique and intelligently designed end-to-end freeze and thaw process solution....Continued