Minerva Biotechnologies
Associated Experts
Job Title: Senior Project Manager
Job Title: Group Leader, Stem Cell Biology
Associated Content
Significant Improvement in Feeder-free Generation, Expansion and Differentiation of iPSCs Using Novel Stem Cell Growth Factor
In this poster, researchers at Minerva Biotechnologies describe their discovery of a novel growth factor, NME7AB, and its use in the AlphaSTEM® Culture System. NME7AB is expressed in the inner cell mass of the human ... Continued
Generation of Neural Stem Cells from AlphaSTEM Cultured Pluripotent Stem Cells
Introduction Patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) offer exciting potential for disease modeling, regenerative medicine, and therapeutic development. In order to fully realize the potential of iPSCs, it is critical to develop culture and differentiation methodologies ... Continued