Obsidian Therapeutics
Obsidian’s proprietary cytoDRiVE™ platform provides, for the first time, a technology to develop a new generation of cell and gene therapies in which the level and timing of protein activity are fully controlled in a dose-dependent manner by an FDA-approved small molecule drugs.
Associated Experts
Job Title: Chief Executive Officer
Associated Content
New Advancements in Cell and Gene Therapy Implementing Precision Medicine
In this podcast and accompanying article, we talked with Dr. Paul Wotton, Chief Executive Officer, Obsidian Therapeutics about the evolution of cancer therapy and new advancements in the space including precision medicine. Our discussion included Obsidian's cytoDRiVE™ platform that provides a technology, in which the level and timing of protein activity are fully controlled in a dose-dependent manner by an FDA-approved small molecule....Continued