Laurent Levy, PH.D
CEO at Nanobiotix
Laurent holds a doctorate in physical chemistry, specialized in nanomaterials, from the Pierre and Marie Curie University (Paris) and from the CEA (Commissariat à l’Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives) and a DEA (advanced studies and diplomas) in physics of condensed matter from the UPVI-ESPCI (Paris). He has extensive experience in sciences and techniques related to nanotechnologies, a field in which he worked for more than 10 years. His research at the frontier of biotechnology and nanotechnologies has resulted in the development of a number of concrete applications such as NanoXray, which could open a new method for cancer treatment.
For many years, Laurent was a consultant in the development of application of nanotechnologies with large companies such as Sanofi (pharma), Guerbet (medical imaging), Rhodia (chemistry), as well as for biotechnology start-ups. Laurent is the author of 35 international scientific publications and communications, has applied for several patents and completed his training by a post-doctoral fellowship at the Institute for Lasers, Photonics and Biophotonics, SUNY (State University of New York), Buffalo, USA.
Dr LAURENT LEVY, PhD, has a deep understanding of the technical, scientific, intellectual property and marketing issues associated with nanomedecine. After his university studies backed-up by a solid knowledge in physics, chemistry and biology, Dr Levy started a doctorate, on nanotechnology (“how to reduce size of the matter and understand new physical properties”). Later with Dr. Paras Prasad, Director of the renowned Institute for Lasers, Photonics and Biophotonics at State University of New York (SUNY), Buffalo, one of the giants working in the nanophotonic and nanobiotech field, he has developed his own vision about using nanotechnology to treat cancer.