Find The Resources You Need To GetStarted with Organoids at The Organoid Information Hub
A guest blog by STEMCELL Technologies.
The development of organoid culture systems has provided researchers with a highly physiologically relevant system for studying stem cell biology, organ development, tissue homeostasis, and disease pathology. By mimicking the structures found in the organ, as well as maintaining multiple organotypic cell types, organoids have become valuable tools in modeling in vivo biology.
Despite their rapid gain in popularity, the organoid culture technique is still new to many researchers. Tools for working with organoids are regularly being developed and characterized, however, many researchers are still essentially pioneers when setting up organoid cultures in their labs. Often researchers do not have the resources or other peers working with organoids in their institutions to learn from, creating a barrier to using organoids in their research.
The Organoid Information Hub, presented by STEMCELL Technologies, aims to support the growing popularity of organoid culture by providing researchers with a collection of technical resources and stories from the people working with organoids.
Technical resources at your fingertips
Detailed protocol videos follow STEMCELL’s scientists as they perform a detailed, step-by-step protocol for growing organoids. Detailed instructions are given in technical bulletins, providing a handy reference by giving complete instructions for isolating intestinal crypts, establishing organoid cultures, and passaging those cultures for long-term maintenance.
Explore These Additional Organoid Resources:
Webinar: Dr. James Wells discusses modeling human gastrointestinal development and disease using hPSCs.
Podcast: Dr. Jason Spence shares his insights on the derivation of gastrointestinal organoids from hPSCs.
Wallchart: Request a free copy of the growing organoids from stem cells wallchart.
Training Courses: Culture your organoid expertise with online and in-person training courses.
Video: Learn how to culture your own organoids with a protocol video series.
Researcher Profile: Meet Dr. Caroline Lindemans and read about her co-culture of intestinal organoids with innate immune cells.
Additional reference materials are available in the form of organoid wallcharts, key publications and mini-reviews. Wallcharts provide a quick overview of organoids at-a-glance such as the SnapShot: Growing Organoids from Stem Cells which looks at growing organoids from stomach, small intestine, colon, pancreas, and liver tissues. Tissue-specific mini-reviews and curated publication lists give a more in-depth look at the different organoid systems and their applications.
Learn from the researchers doing the work
In addition to technical resources, the Organoid Information Hub takes a look at the people working with organoids. Researcher profiles provide insight to how organoid scientists got their start, what led to their current work, and what challenges they’ve faced along the way. Read where Dr. Meritxell Huch thinks organoid technologies are headed, or meet Dr. Qi Tan and learn about his approach to studying lung organoids.
STEMCELL’s Organoid Podcasts feature prominent researchers discussing their breakthroughs in working with organoids. Hear Dr. Jason Spence describe how he got started working with organoids and what challenges he faced along the way. The Experts in Organoids webinar series shows the latest research being performed in the labs of key opinion leaders. Hear Dr. James Wells discuss how his lab cultured intestinal organoids with intercalated neurons or the co-culture of stomach organoids with Helicobacter pylori.
For the latest webinars, podcasts, reviews, researcher profiles, in-depth technical bulletins, videos, and hands-on training courses visit the Organoid Information Hub.