Bio-Ess Laboratories, LLC
Associated Experts
Job Title: Chief Scientific Officer
Job Title: Senior Product Manager
Associated Content
Do You Have to Sacrifice Antibody Titer for Quality? Employing cell biology to get the best of both worlds
Dr. Adam Elhofy, Ph.D., Chief Scientific Officer, Bio-Ess Laboratories, talks about the relationship between antibody titer and product quality attributes such as glycosylation. Dr. Elhofy shares his thoughts on both challenges and opportunities in optimizing for both high titer and glycosylation profiles....Continued
Levers to Increase Antibody Titer While Also Improving Glycosylation
Biotherapeutic production is increasing and is worth over $100 billion in annual revenues. While the industry is growing, there are pressures to reduce the costs associated with production. One way to address production costs is ... Continued
Increasing Protein Production with Novel Cell-Ess Titer Boost without Affecting the Metabolic Profile
In this mini-webinar, Adam Elhofy, PhD, CSO, Essential Pharmaceuticals, presents data summarizing the findings of a recent study “Novel Cell-Ess ® supplement used as a feed or as an initial boost to CHO serum free media results in a significant increase in protein yield and production” published in Computational and Structural Biology Journal (Volume 14, 2016, p. 319-324)...Continued
Media Optimization Can Improve Glycosylation Patterns and Consistency to Impact Protein Efficacy
Introduction When producing a biologic therapeutic, protein quality is a key consideration. While manufacturing parameters such as high protein yield, protein solubility and protein stability are important, it is also critical that the biologic exhibits the ... Continued