Silver Sponsor

Nucleus Biologics
At Nucleus Biologics we are driving a movement to raise the standard of quality within the entire cell culture industry. We are partnering with scientists to deliver superior products that enable better science.
Associated Experts
Job Title: Senior Manager of Science and Applications
Job Title: Vice President of Marketing
Job Title: Senior Vice President of Commercial
Associated Content
Online Platform Makes Customizing Cell Therapy Media Effortless with 400 Publicly Available Formulas and Real Time Pricing Information
Media development for cell therapies can be a time consuming and costly effort, often involving testing of multiple formulas prior to selection. Some opt to select an off-the-shelf media option to save time and streamline ... Continued
Xeno-free media supplement for Cell Therapy Manufacturing
I recently spoke with Alyssa Master, Ph.D., Senior Manager of Science and Applications, of Nucleus Biologics about Physiologix™ and have included some of the highlights of our interview here....Continued
FBS – It’s Not All Created Equal – What Consumers Need to Know
Alyssa Master, Ph.D., Senior Manager of Science and Applications, Nucleus Biologics talks about some of the challenges of working with FBS, why not all FBS is created equal and suggestions for FBS customers who are trying to navigate these issues....Continued
A Primer on Primary Cells and Culture
Daniel Schroen, PhD, Vice President at Cell Applications, Inc. (Now Vice President at Nucleus Biologics) Primary Cells: What are they and why use them Cell-based experiments play a key role in life science, biomedical and pharmaceutical research ... Continued