Jochen Sieck, Ph.D
Head of Perfusion Systems Lab, Life Science, BioProcessing R&D, at Merck
Jochen has more than 10 years of experience in mammalian cell culture, upstream process development, bioreactor characterization and scale-up. He studied Biotechnology and received his PhD in bioprocess engineering from ETH Zurich, working on Scale-Down Models of CHO fed-batch processes at Novartis. He stayed at Novartis for 2 years of Postdoc, working on perfusion process and medium development, before joining Merck in 2014. Since then, his team’s focus is perfusion medium development for customer as well as catalog products. Furthermore, his team investigates specific critical cell culture ingredients for their quality and impact on mammalian cells, targeting increase of reproducibility, reduced variability and improved quality. He has authored several journal articles and a textbook chapter on medium development for perfusion processes. Also, he is in the final stages of his MBA focusing on Innovation and Technology Management.