CelVivo provides a 3D Cell Culture technology mimicking in vivo performance. We have developed a system which obviates the need for scaffolds, gels or any type of additives, which might perturb gene expression away from its natural baseline equilibrium. In our system primary cells retain, and immortal cell lines regain ultrastructure and functionality of their parental tissue. All you need is your cell line, preferred media and growth conditions. CelVivo has made the transition from 2D to functional 3D simple.
The company is founded by two professors from University of Southern Denmark who needed a user-friendly device for their own research. After publishing the first papers other research groups expressed interest in the system. Realizing that they had created technology that provides researchers with a significantly improved device for cell culture, CelVivo was created.
Associated Experts
Job Title: Chief Research Officer and Co-founder
Associated Content
3D Bioreactor Platform Provides Increased Process Control and Throughput for Spheroid and Organoid Generation and Culture
The ClinoStar system by CelVivo is a 3D bioreactor platform developed to address the technology gap for 3D cultures. The technology is based on the clinostat principle also referred to as a simulated microgravity system. A clinostat, (ClinoStar), and a rotating bioreactor (ClinoReactor) provides a scaffold-free culture environment that keep the cells suspended by exerting gravitation forces on the cells from all sides. This enables the generation of large numbers of uniform spheroids or organoids using very low shear forces while facilitating gas and nutrient exchange. The system is equipped with cameras for ease of real-time monitoring throughout the culture period. Combined with tablet-enabled control of culture parameters like temperature, CO2 and rotational speed enables enhanced process control. In addition, the closed system design mitigates contamination risk....Continued
3D cell culture bioreactor system for growing and maintaining spheroids and organoids with the structure and function of in vivo cells
In this podcast, we spoke with Dr. Stephen Fey, Chief Research Officer and Co-founder, CelVivo about the importance of 3D culture and the challenges associated with growing and maintaining culture in 3D. We also discussed using a 3D culture bioreactor system, which employs clinostat technology to culture spheroids and organoids in a way that maintains the structure and function of in vivo cells....Continued
CelVivo’s ClinoStar can grow organoids or spheroids that mimic the function, structure, and architecture of in vivo cells
The ClinoStar system is a 3D bioreactor platform that creates an environment, which promotes growth, maintenance and functionality of large tissue mimetic structures, including spheroids, organoids, acini or other cell aggregates. It enables conditions, which allow cells to develop functionality that closely mimics conditions in the intact organism....Continued