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The Sartorius Group is a leading international partner of the biopharmaceutical industry and the research sector. We are helping biotech scientists and engineers across the entire globe to develop and manufacture medications from the first idea to production. So more people will have access to better medicine.
Associated Experts
Job Title: Manager of Testing Solutions and Analytics, Separation Technologies Application Testing
Job Title: Product Manager, IncuCyte
Job Title: Technical Manager for Operations
Job Title: Senior R&D Scientist and Neuroscience Program Leader, BioAnalytics,
Associated Content
Accelerate your SPR-based drug discovery with the Octet® SF3 SPR System
In the webinar, Stuart Knowling from Sartorius takes an in-depth look at the Octet® SF3 SPR system and its unique features that make it a valuable tool for both new and experienced SPR users. The ... Continued
Implementation of the Sartorius Octet® BLI Platform Accelerates Early Antibody Discovery Workflows
Therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are a predominant class of new drugs directed against an array of target antigens used to treat cancers and immunologic diseases. The discovery process for antibody-based drug candidates includes several steps ... Continued
Accelerating the Development and Manufacture of Therapeutics
The discovery, development, and commercial manufacturing of viral vectors, vaccines and other biotherapeutics can be a costly and lengthy endeavor. To shorten development timelines and bring novel therapies to market faster, rapid analytical tools are ... Continued
Generating actionable data and analysis in complex models using live-cell analysis
In this podcast and accompanying article, we talked with Paul Jantzen, Product Manager for IncuCyte at Sartorius about the benefits of real-time live-cell analysis and image processing workflows. We also discussed how live-cell analysis is enabling the use of neuronal cell models to study cell health, morphology, function and cell dynamics....Continued
Live Cell Analysis for Neuroscience Research
In this podcast, we talk with Susana Alcantara, Senior R&D Scientist and Neuroscience Program Leader, BioAnalytics, Sartorius about the ways real-time live cell analysis is enabling neuroscience research. We also discussed how real-time cell analysis ... Continued
Laboratory based therapeutic and diagnostic marker protein concentration through centrifugal and crossflow ultrafiltration
Ultrafiltration is an important tool in concentrating therapeutic and diagnostic marker proteins. Two of the primary methods are using centrifugation or crossflow ultrafiltration. When considering the ultrafiltration method that is best for your application, it ... Continued
Vivaflow Crossflow Cassettes provide plug and play target molecule concentration systems that are scalable for a wide range of sample volumes
A key problem for laboratories needing to ultrafilter >20ml sample volumes is the cost, time and manual handling involved in setting up mounting systems and filter holders. The Vivaflow systems have been designed to remove that requirement. No service needing mounting system, awkward stirred cell vessels, or costly filter holders are required for use. Meaning users can get to their concentrated samples faster and cheaper....Continued
Launch of IncuCyte SX1 Model Expands Live-Cell Analysis Accessibility and Options
Cell models and cell systems have continued to evolve to meet research and drug discovery demands. Researchers are looking to increase physiological relevance of their cell models to ensure potential therapeutics have a higher chance ... Continued
How Live Cell Analysis Technology is Meeting the Needs of Ever Evolving Advanced Cell Models
In this podcast and accompanying article, we interviewed Dr. Kimberly Wicklund, Head of Product Management for the IncuCyte® at Sartorius about how live cell analysis is meeting the needs of advanced cell models and how the launch of the new IncuCyte SX1 is providing scientists more options when it comes to using live cell analysis in their workflows....Continued