There is a lot of expectation about modeling cancer organoids but is there an application of Corning Fluoroblok inserts to track immune therapy with an organoid culturing into Corning Biocoat Matrigel Invasion Chambers? In other words, can I culture an organoid in the inner compartment and then tracking the effect of the immune therapy?


Assuming you are looking to culture a cancer organoid in the apical chamber of Corning® FluoroBlok™ Cell Culture Inserts and measure immune function, then the answer is most likely.  Although it does not appear much published work has been done in this area, FluoroBlok inserts are a great choice when one is looking to exclude fluorescent signal generated by cells on the apical surface of the membrane.  Even though they are typically used for migration and invasion assays, they may find some use here. It is also possible to combine Corning 96HTS inserts with the Corning spheroid microplate in order to look at immune cell migration/invasion towards the cancer organoid. Corning scientists have done a similar assay with NK92 cells and a lung cancer cell line.

Please find some useful links below:

Video: An In vitro FluoroBlok Tumor Invasion Assay

Webinar: Applications of Corning® FluoroBlok™ Permeable Supports

Review Article: Culture and Assay Systems Used for 3D Cell Culture

Poster: A Novel Spheroid-based Three-dimensional Invasion Model for Evaluating Potentially Anti-tumor Compounds

Application Note: A Novel Three Dimensional Immune Oncology Model for High Throughput Testing of Tumoricidal Capability


Product Information:

FluoroBlok Cell Culture Inserts

Corning® FluoroBlok™ Inserts Frequently Asked Questions

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