The Dish’s Weekly Biotechnology News Wrap Up – February 12, 2016
This week’s biotechnology news headlines include, Zika virus update, regulatory panel recommends FDA approve Remicade biosimilar, ViaCyte reports on diabetes trial, Cesca Therapeutics receives funding, and receptor protein may explain spread of breast cancer cells.
Cell Culture Events
Cell Culture World Congress – February 23-24, 2016 –Munich Germany
The Cell Culture World Congress is where pharma, biotechs, researchers & innovative start-ups gather to develop new strategies and partnerships to advance biotherapeutic production, manufacture, and commercialisation. Join the largest cell culture event focused on producing new therapeutics and immunotherapies at a commercial scale and see where biologic manufacture is headed next.
Key speakers include:
Dr Stefan Wildt, VP, Global Head Technical Research and Development, Cell- and Gene Therapies, Novartis.
Bo Kara, Head Process Development, Advanced Therapy Delivery, GSK
Sam Wadsworth, CSO, Dimension Therapeutics
Dr Lorenz Mayr Vice President of Reagents & Assay Development at AstraZeneca
For more information download the brochure: http://bit.ly/1JJWO5y
Downstream Processing World Congress – February 23-24, 2016 – Munich Germany
The Downstream Processing World Congress 2016 will introduce new and exciting content focusing on innovation and development with an emphasis on new methods. Showcasing exciting new technologies such as purifying complex molecules, PAT, continuous purification, chromatography alternatives and new methods of purification. Content will include cutting edge research and even more case studies , over 40 presentations from those working in bioprocess in big pharma, interactive sessions with biotechs and will be collocated with the 6th annual Cell Culture World Congress.
Key speakers include:
Dr Mark Federspiel, Director, Viral Vector Production Laboratory, Department of Molecular Medicine, Mayo Clinic
Dr Yogesh Waghmare, Staff Scientist, Late Stage Process Development, Genzyme Sanofi
Nicholas Clarkson, Group Lead, Analytical Development, Oxford Biomedica
Prof Manuel Carrondo, Director, IBET
For more information download the brochure: http://bit.ly/1l5kQMx
ISBioTech 6th Spring Meeting – March 7-9, 2016 -Washington, DC
Three concurrent programs on:
– Cellular Therapies
– Viral Vectors & Vaccines
– Baculovirus Expression Technology
BPI West – March 14-March 17, 2016 – Oakland Marriott City Center, Oakland, CA
World Vaccine Congress – March 29-30, 2016 –Grand Hyatt– Washington D.C.
Progress in Continuous Biomanufacturing – June 27-28, 2016 – Robinson College, Cambridge, UK
The conference is enhanced by the participation of several leading industrial technologists, scientific, vendors and also leading academics from Europe and USA. They have come forward to share their experience and knowledge to provide a better understanding of the current technologies and their application in continuous biomanufacturing. There is also a plenary lecture by a distinguished professor in the field of bioprocessing, and you will also benefit from access to unpublished data. This meeting will address several advancements and their successful application with data in the Technology both Upstream and downstream and also on Initiatives to process developments and project to the future direction of the industry. By joining with us you can benefit from the current state of-the-art advancements in continuous manufacturing and also learn about the successful organisations that are developing and applying these methods in-house.
Check out the Top Blogs, Top Ask the Expert Sessions and Top Cool Tool Features of 2015 –
The Top 25 Cell Culture Dish Blogs in 2015
The Top 10 Ask the Expert Sessions in 2015
The Top 10 Cell Culture Dish Cool Tools Features in 2015
“Obama Asks Congress for $1.8 Billion to Combat Zika Virus,” The New York Times
“President Obama on Monday requested more than $1.8 billion in emergency funding to fight an outbreak of the Zika virus, which has spread to 26 countries and territories in Central and South America, though not yet to the United States.”
If you like this story, please see our blog titled “New Advances Pose New Challenges to Bioproduction”
“Panel Recommends FDA Approval of Remicade Knockoff ,” The Wall Street Journal
“A U.S. regulatory panel vote on Tuesday is a win for companies developing lower-cost copies of pricey biotechnology drugs, but it could be a while before patients see them.”
If you like this story, please see our blog titled “CHO Media Development and Optimization – A look at three case studies”
“Bill Would Add Zika Virus to FDA Priority Review Program,” Bloomberg BNA
“The Zika virus would be added to the list of diseases that qualify for an FDA incentive program to develop products for rare and neglected diseases, under legislation introduced in the House.”
If you like this story, please see our blog titled “Cool Tool: Mitigating Risk beyond Xeno-Free: A Critical Component for Cell-Based Vaccines”
“Drug makers seek to blunt criticism of price hikes,” The Boston Globe
“After months of taking a public beating for soaring prices, drug companies are ready to tell their side of the story. Two big industry groups are launching advertising campaigns highlighting how their breakthroughs can improve or safe lives, they said Monday.”
If you like this story, please see our blog titled “2015 FDA New Drug Approvals – 13 Biologics Receive Approval”
“ViaCyte Reports on Stem Cell Diabetes Trial, Absorbs BetaLogics,” Xconomy
“In a deal that consolidates its position as a leader in developing a stem cell-derived treatment for diabetes, San Diego’s ViaCyte says today it is absorbing its chief rival, New Jersey-based Janssen BetaLogics.”
If you like this story, please see our blog titled “Cell Culture Basics: Stem Cell Media – The “What” and “Why”
“Rancho Cordova stem-cell company gets $15 million lifeline,” Sacramento Bee
“Cesca Therapeutics Inc., a stem-cell-medicine company based in Rancho Cordova, said Wednesday it has received a critically needed $15 million investment from a Chinese company.
If you like this story, please see our blog titled “Hollow Fiber Provides a Sweet Spot for Several Biomanufacturing Applications”
“CRUK scientists ID a key player behind the spread of breast cancer cells,” Fierce Biotech Research
“The interaction between breast cancer cells and a receptor protein called EPHA2 helps explain how the cancer spreads through the body, according to a prominent group of investigators looking for new ways to fight cancer.”
If you like this story, please see our blog titled “Enabling High Density Cell Banking using a Single-Use, Closed-System”